jQuery.i18n = { locale : "en" , RV00296 : 'Either JAVA™ is not installed or turned off. \nVerify the installation and enable it if necessary.' , RV00046 : '[Warning] Update has failed. RemoteView cannot initiate normally.' , RV02272 : 'The IP address is out of access permit ranges.' , RV02271 : 'The MAC Address is restricted to access.' , RV01584 : 'Installing… please, wait.' , RV01522 : 'Server' , RV01064 : 'Rack type' , RV00740 : 'Super User' , RV01156 : 'Manager' , RV01419 : 'User' , RV01417 : 'Not use' , RV01476 : 'Enable' , RV00102 : 'Please enter a correct IP address.' , RV02299 : 'Item\\\'\\s value is empty.' , RV02818 : 'Please enter a correct MAC address.' , RV01788 : 'Agent' , RV01622 : 'Operation Order' , RV01624 : 'Details' , RV02075 : 'Name' , RV02204 : 'Time' , RV01974 : 'Remote PC' , RV01993 : 'Remote Public IP' , RV01424 : 'Public IP of User' , RV01428 : 'Private IP' , RV01615 : 'Quantity' , RV01779 : 'No' , RV02636 : 'Not assigned' , RV01486 : 'Are you sure you want to delete?' , RV03096 : 'Removed.' , RV00635 : 'No Search Results' , RV00809 : 'Group is empty.' , RV02662 : 'Restriction by IP and MAC' , RV02659 : 'Allow' , RV00365 : 'PC add-on was canceled.' , RV01748 : 'Incorrect password.' , RV02440 : 'Failed to initialize.' , RV00185 : 'Please enter a 6-24 character password.' , RV00174 : 'Please enter your user ID 4-24.' , RV00288 : 'There is an empty field in the IP address.' , RV00308 : 'There is an empty field in the MAC address.' , RV02617 : 'This is a required field.' , RV02492 : 'Category heading is a required field' , RV02101 : 'Enter your Email.' , RV02096 : 'This is an incorrect email format' , RV02078 : 'Enter your name.' , RV01741 : 'Unknown system error has occurred.' , RV00188 : '64bit browser is not compatible. Please, connect using 32bit browser.' , RV01786 : 'is not supported.' , RV01567 : 'Would you like to clear the restriction of the selected user?' , RV02388 : 'Favorite must have at least 1 item.' , RV02387 : 'Favorite can have up to 5 items.' , RV02295 : 'Successful.' , RV01058 : 'License is expired will be automatically logged out.' , RV02115 : 'The value you entered is already exsiting.' , RV02682 : 'You current OS and browser do not support RemoteCommand' , RV01221 : 'Mobile devices do not support RemoteCommand.' , RV00808 : 'Please select a group of' , RV02470 : 'In the top group can be assigned an agent must choose.' , RV02667 : 'Allowed' , RV02666 : 'Disallowed' , RV02104 : 'Agent already inherited the permission. Please, modify the group permission.' , RV02673 : 'There are no PC to be listed.' , RV02684 : 'This feature cannot be used in this PC.' , RV00926 : 'The following characters are not allowed: \\ \/ : ? * \u003C \u003E \" | &%+;\'' , RV00780 : 'Deauthorize access' , RV01484 : 'Delete' , RV02070 : 'Destination's group permission will be applied to the selected group or agent to be moved.' , RV01641 : 'Please, try again later.' , RV01378 : 'Please enter password' , RV01423 : 'Please enter User ID.' , RV00844 : 'Enter your Company ID.' , RV00194 : 'Use 8~24 characters with uppercase, lowercase alphabets, numbers and symbols.' , RV00195 : 'Password must be between 8 and 24 characters and satisfy 3 or more following conditions.' , RV00186 : 'Use 6~24 characters with uppercase, lowercase alphabets, numbers and symbols.' , RV00187 : 'Use between 6 ~ 24 characters.' , RV02681 : 'Same password.' , RV00205 : 'Agent has finished updating.' , RV01096 : 'Log in is available' , RV02288 : 'Are you sure you want to delete?' , RV01383 : 'This favorite folder is not empty.' , RV02221 : 'Apply' , RV02431 : 'Processing...' , RV02663 : 'Please set up Allow IP, MAC' , RV02661 : 'Please set up Allow IP' , RV02665 : 'Please set up Allow MAC' , RV02642 : 'Total' , RV01570 : 'Description' , RV01354 : 'password expiration notification days cannot be greater than password expiration days' , RV01869 : 'Lowercase alphabet' , RV01866 : 'Uppercase alphabet' , RV01625 : 'Numbers' , RV02546 : 'Special characters' , RV02469 : 'Maximum of 5000 can be registered.' , RV01440 : 'Custom security level must satisfy 3 or more conditions' , RV02468 : 'Maximum of 140 can be registered.' , RV02647 : 'Maximum number of PC is set in the configuration. Check group properties, or contact the administrator.' , RV01575 : 'Not Set' , RV01472 : 'Your browser is not compatible any more. Please try again after upgrading it.' , RV02820 : '\u003Ca href=\"http:\/\/bit.ly\/es1ePx\"\u003E[Go to download site]\u003C\/a\u003E' , RV00043 : '[Do not show again in 7 days]' , RV01100 : 'Root group can be accessed by Administrator only.' , RV02819 : 'Please enter a correct IP address.' , RV01812 : 'Re-activate the inactive Agents' , RV02350 : 'Sorry.This OS version is not supported.' , RV00488 : 'Check connectivity on RemoteWOL.' , RV01857 : '3 or more consecutive numbers cannot be used.' , RV00192 : '8~24 characters, combine 2 or more from uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters' , RV00193 : '8~24 characters, combine 2 or more from uppercase, lowercase, numbers and special characters' , RV02646 : 'The PC is ON' , RV02645 : 'The PC is OFF. Please give the PC ample time to boot and check again.' , RV00276 : 'RemoteView service is not available for Internet Explorer 64bit.\nHow do I connect using Internet Explorer 32bit?' , RV02688 : 'Forcefully terminate current remote control session.\nContinue?' , RV02444 : 'Intiate remote control from the invited email, {0}' , RV00051 : 'Send a invitation E-mail to {0}' , RV02092 : 'Check email for duplicate.' , RV00235 : 'Only Excel file can be registered.' , RV00753 : 'Remote control forcefully terminated by Administrator [Administrator ID : {0}]' , RV01969 : 'Java Plug-In required for Remote Control was not executed properly.' , RV00243 : 'Please use other browsers like Safari, Firefox, etc.' , RV01344 : 'Please close your browser and retry.' , RV01345 : 'Close the browser then try again, or IE browser to use it.' , RV02196 : 'See more' , RV01987 : 'Remote PC Power Status verified' , RV02209 : 'Turn On command has been sent to All PCs.' , RV02852 : 'Failed to process.' , RV02853 : 'The terminate date cannot predate start date' , RV02854 : 'Do you really want to unsubscribe?' , RV02855 : 'You have been successfully unsubscribed.' , RV02856 : 'This email is available for use.' , RV02857 : 'Check Availability' , RV02858 : 'Only numbers allowed.' , RV02860 : 'Check if ID is available.' , RV02861 : 'Check email for duplicate.' , RV01414 : 'Usage (min)' , RV01415 : 'Usage (min.)' , RV01479 : '# of Access' , RV00972 : 'There is no data.' , RV00876 : 'Registered' , RV00970 : 'Value' , RV01282 : 'Version' , RV01291 : 'Vendor' , RV01988 : 'Remote PC Power On Failed' , RV01986 : 'Failed to Verify Remote PC Power Status' , RV01389 : 'No Device Available' , RV02862 : 'Remote Power On command has been sent.' , RV01029 : 'LiveView' , RV02883 : 'Group managers do not need to change their permission.' , RV01566 : 'Nothing selected.' , RV02610 : 'Input is required when using the proxy server settings.' , RV02878 : 'Check if URL is available.' , RV02879 : 'Check if URL is available.' , RV02884 : 'Available IDs' , RV02899 : 'Number of additional PC must be same or more than currently registered PC.' , RV02900 : 'Additional PC must be at least 1 or more.' , RV02901 : 'Use 4~24 characters with uppercase, lowercase alphabets and numbers.' , RV02905 : 'The connection will be verified for the next 10 minutes while the remote PC is being powered on.' , RV02906 : 'Enter phone or mobile number only.' , RV02907 : 'Check the validity of the message.' , RV02880 : 'Press Apply at the bottom to switch to the uploaded image.' , RV02881 : 'Remove user image and replace with the default one?' , RV02885 : 'Only jpg, gif and png can be used.' , RV02950 : 'There is no PC to connect remotely.' , RV02951 : 'From the PC to be connected, press \u003Cspan class=\"ico-device\"\u003E\u003C\/span\u003E\"Add PC\" to install the agent program.' , RV03185 : 'Standard version will not be available after upgrading to Enterprise version.\nProceed?' , RV03186 : 'Upgrade to Enterprise license has been cancelled.' , RV03187 : 'Maximum number of license for Standard version is 10. (existing license: # PCs)' , RV03188 : 'To purchase 1000 or more, contact us via \u003CPurchase Inquiry\u003E at the bottom.' , RV03189 : 'This company ID is available.' , RV03190 : 'Check company ID availability.' , RV03191 : 'Verification code has been sent to your mobile device.' , RV03192 : 'View mobile version guide.' , RV03193 : 'There is no favorite to be moved to. Create a group first.' , RV03194 : 'Personal Information Collection and Usage Agreement' , RV03089 : 'Session expired. Please, log back in.' , RV03209 : 'Your license has expired. Would you like to extend it?' , RV02376 : 'Check field for duplicate.' , RV02374 : 'Duplicated ID. Please enter another one.' , RV03221 : 'Allow pop-ups.' , RV01183 : 'Email has been sent.' , RV03219 : 'By switching to Standard version, features like Group, LiveView and User will not be available anymore. Continue?' , RV03220 : 'Switching to Standard has been cancelled.' , RV03232 : 'You are purchasing PC with available coupon.\nRemaining PC in the coupon will be lost after usage.\nContact customer service for instruction on how to use coupon.\n\nDo you wish to proceed?' , RV03250 : 'Please login with new password' , RV03258 : 'Set it to at lease 1 min or more.' , RV03260 : 'There is no user registered in the group.' , RV03263 : 'Select only group or agent.' , RV03264 : 'Successfully copied to Clipboard' , RV03265 : 'Copy to clipboard: Ctrl+C, Enter' , RV03273 : '결제를 위해선 Email정보가 필요합니다. Email을 등록해주세요.' , RV03285 : 'List has been added excluding the IP with invalid format.' , RV03286 : 'List has been added excluding the MAC address with invalid format.' , RV03302 : 'Only Excel and CSV file types are allowed.' , RV03347 : 'Java plug-in required for remote control is not installed properly.\nPlease update the Java to the latest version' , RV03352 : 'Network Group' , RV03353 : 'Edit group name' , RV03354 : 'Add new network group' , RV03355 : 'Top priority' , RV03356 : 'Add server' , RV03357 : 'Change order' , RV03358 : 'Delete' , RV03359 : 'Download Mobile App' , RV03360 : 'Android' , RV03361 : 'iOS' , RV03362 : 'Server Settings' , RV03363 : 'Select server for the network group' , RV03364 : 'Change network group priority' , RV03365 : 'Register server' , RV03366 : 'RV03366' , RV03367 : 'Server List' , RV03368 : 'No data available.' , RV03369 : 'Manage Servers' , RV03370 : 'Manage Network' , RV03371 : 'Network Group name' , RV03372 : 'Installing RemoteView Launcher' , RV03373 : 'Remote control service is not available due to missing launcher required for connection.' , RV03374 : 'Download RemoteView Launcher' , RV03375 : 'Once the download is completed, reload the page\/browser.' , RV03376 : 'RemoteView launcher and Web console is being updated to the latest version. Please wait…' , RV03377 : 'Download, install the Launcher and try again.' , RV03378 : 'Browser not supported.' , RV03379 : 'To send Agent command, Java installation is required.\nContinue to the installation page?' , RV03380 : 'Checking for RemoteView Launcher installation.Please wait...' , RV03381 : 'RemoteView Launcher is NOT installed correctly. Please, try again.' , RV03382 : 'Run the downloaded file to start the installation.' , RV03383 : 'Remote control service will start automatically after the installation.' , RV03384 : 'Please wait...' , RV03385 : '[Warning] RemoteView Launcher cannot be installed with Windows Guest account.\u003Cbr\u003E\nTry again after logging in with Windows Administrator account.' , RV03386 : 'List has been added excluding the MAC address with invalid format.' , RV03387 : 'Use Agent access authentication' , RV03388 : 'Remote Connection Agreement' , RV03389 : 'Last accessed date' , RV03399 : 'Out of service hours. Contact administrator.' , RV03430 : 'Ok' , RV03431 : 'User Group details' , RV03445 : 'Send OTP Authentication Token by email.' , RV03456 : 'Set the time' , RV03475 : 'Batch execution is not supported.' , RV03476 : 'Maximum number of execution reached.' , RV03484 : 'Group permission is already inherited.' , RV03486 : 'Failed to move as selected group is included.' , RV01076 : 'Logout' , RV01977 : 'Remote PC' , RV03517 : 'Mobile connection is not available from Mac OS.' , RV03546 : 'Display name allows up to 50 characters.' , 'A01.d' : 'PC' , 'A01.s' : 'Server' , 'A01.l' : 'Laptop' , 'A01.r' : 'Rack type' , 'A05.m' : 'Mobile' , 'A05.t' : 'Tablet' , 'A05.b' : 'STB' , 'A05.p' : 'Printer' , RV03547 : 'Create ID \/ PW' , RV03548 : 'To login with SNS, password must be set.' , RV03549 : 'Create a password to install the Agent.' , RV03550 : 'Selection' , RV03560 : 'Successful.' , RV03561 : 'The current Agent does not support the control by the GUI. Please use in a remote terminal mode.' , RV03562 : 'RemoteView service is not available for Internet Explorer 64bit.' , RV03563 : 'Abnormal connection try.' , RV03565 : 'Group name must be less than 50 characters in length.' , RV03569 : 'View all' , RV03570 : 'No results found' , RV03588 : 'Input or select.' , RV03590 : 'mm\/dd\/yyyy' , RV03631 : '원격제어 보안 준수에 동의해주세요' , RV03637 : '50자 이내로 입력 가능합니다.' , RV03639 : '승인 시간 만료' , RV03640 : '승인 완료' , RV03651 : '로그인 2단계 인증 설정을 Google OTP로 설정하지 않고,\u003Cbr\/\u003E 에이전트 인증 방식을 Google OTP로 설정할 수 없습니다.' , RV03652 : '인증 설정 실패' , RV03655 : '로그인 2단계 인증 설정을 MOTP로 설정하지 않고,\u003Cbr\/\u003E 에이전트 인증 방식을 MOTP로 설정할 수 없습니다.' , MIRAEASSET02 : 'This feature is for registering a corporate device and should\u003Cbr\/\u003Enot be installed on your home computer.\u003Cbr\/\u003EAre you sure this is a corporate device?' };